Use Martview, ComicRack, Cdisplayex or The origional Cdisplay for reading CBR, CBZ Files.
My recomendation is Martview, The best Comics and Magazines reader,it supports PDF,CBR,CBZ,Mart and epub files with flip page effect.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Mandrake Sunday Strips 001 to 187 (1935-2002) - King Features

Download By Click on Following Numbers

S001        S002        S003       S004        S005       S006       S007       S008        S009       S010

S011        S012        S013       S014        S015       S016       S017       S018        S019       S020

S021        S022        S023       S024        S025       S026       S027       S028        S029       S030

S031        S032        S033       S034        S035       S036       S037       S038        S039       S040

S041        S042        S043       S044        S045       S046       S047       S048        S049       S050

S051        S052        S053       S054        S055       S056       S057       S058        S059       S060

S061        S062        S063       S064        S065       S066       S067       S068        S069       S070

S071        S072        S073       S074        S075       S076       S077       S078        S079       S080

S081        S082        S083       S084        S085       S086       S087       S088        S089       S090

S091        S092        S093       S094        S095       S096       S097       S098        S099       S100

S101        S102        S103       S104        S105       S106       S107       S108        S109       S110

S111        S112        S113       S114        S115       S116       S117       S118        S119       S120
S121        S122        S123       S124        S125       S126       S127       S128        S129       S130

S131        S132        S133       S134        S135       S136       S137       S138        S139       S140

S141        S142        S143       S144        S145       S146       S147       S148        S149       S150

S151        S152        S153       S154        S155       S156       S157       S158        S159       S160

S161        S162        S163       S164        S165       S166       S167       S168        S169       S170

S171        S172         S173      S174       S175       S176       S177       S178        S179        S180

S181        S182        S183       S184        S185       S186       S187       S188        S189       S190

Filler Pages 
S06 to S10                  S11 to S15


Vignesh G said...

you simply awesome man!what a work.really happy to see

ranjan gangopadhyay said...


thanks thanks a lot

Venkitachalam Subramanian said...

I might come off being nasty, but I would just like to mention that all of these strips both Daily & Sundays were posted by Lothar in his blog, Mapanare in his Spanish blog and by me in Balaji's blog. And all of these were just recently shared in an Indonesian blog from where these links were just copied as the Indonesian blogger used the same links for usercloud along with links from Tusfiles.

It would not have been a big deal to just give credit to the people who really deserved the credit for actually doing all the work.

I am guessing that you would not know, as these were collected and posted in the above blogs starting from 2007, when many of you were not around in the blogosphere. I keep finding and posting in Balaji's blog even today.

So here are the people who have collected and shared these strips - Ajay, Allen Lane, Balaji, Comic Crazee, Emile, Ivan Pederson, Magnus Magnusson, Mapanare, Myron, Paulo Marques, Richard Hy, Terry Hill, Tom Williams and myself.

Balaji, Paulo and I also had to raid paid archives of certain newspapers to get the strips from 1989 to 2004, that were never available on the internet till we posted them in Balaji's blog. Many of the links were alive till last year, when I checked.

No hard feelings. Just wanted to set the record straight.

MiSD said...

These strips are originally made by King Features and everyone is sharing to each other and it is not yours property that you act like this many of my comics scans are shared on many sites but I have no problem and I never copy links I uploaded myself on My account on Userscloud and Mediafire I am only sharing my collection to others You always have problem with me If you have your own collection then why you didn't make your own blog.

Phantom said...

Great work

Phantom said...

Just One sincere request. Please use media fire to upload. Downloading from other sites is very tedious.
Once again thanks for this awesome work. Keep it up.

MiSD said...

Mediafire gives 50GB free Storage to Users I have three Accounts on mediafire and all of storage is full now that's Why I am using Userscloud It gives unlimited storage to users and no one got any problem in downloading

Phantom said...

Dear MiSD, I know mediafire has lot of limitations but its also most convinient for uploader and downloader too.
From last 2 days I am trying to download Mandrake daily strips "S001" which is 168 MB.
Usercloud does not allow IDM (Internet Download Manager" and you have to download it via browser only.
I am getting average speed of 18KBPS and download is failing after 30%. I tried using different browsers and computers. But i could not succeed. I really dont know wheather I will be able to download your Daily and Sunday Collection of Mandrake.

Phantom said...

"D001" which is 168 MB.

MiSD said...

Which Broadband you are using Because I am downloading all files with IDM and extremly fasr minimum speed is 128 KB and it goes up to 1 MB sometimes 2 mb I got no problem no other one complain me

MiSD said...

In 2014 I uploaded my collection of Rip Kirby Dailies No one was able to download them because Mediafire Block them that's why I upload them on Tusfiles and Seenupload at that time Userscloud was not available and Mediafire deleted my full 80GB Account all likes were out of working Now from few months I re uploading my broken links to Userscloud. That is the reason I am not using Medafire anymore.

Phantom said...

Dear Bro, I have MTNL-Broadband. 4Mbps line.
I am downloading a youtube video and getting a speed of 399 KBI am using Firefox v44 and IDM v6.25.11
When i right click Blue Download button and selecting "Download with IDM", Its downloading a file called "szvmx8aoiwfc.htm" and not actual file

Phantom said...

*399 KBPS

Phantom said...

Dear Bro, Thats shocking. Why mediafire deleted your 80GB Data?

What was the reason behind it?

Ravindra Kelkar said...

Dear MISD,
Thanks for sharing this. It is almost unbelievable to have the all Sunday & Daily strips available in one place. The amount of joy & happiness you are providing to people like me is beyond measure. I appreciate the efforts you must have put in to make this possible.

MiSD said...

Nishad you downloading wrong way it didn't give you link like mediafire with the right click you need to press left click two three times on download link first it gives you pop up adds then after two or three times left clicking IDM takes its downloading link. First thing you need to do configuring IDM
open IDM click on Downloads then options then click on file types tag and enter CB* this file type by default IDM does not recognize thats why it is start downloaded by browser and with browser download you can not get good speed After you enter CB* IDM will capture CBR and CBZ files and you will get good download speed.

MiSD said...

My Mediafire Account was deleted because I uploaded Tintin Comic and some company or guy make objection on tintin comic that's why Mediafire deleted my account

Phantom said...

Yes, It worked. I upgraded IDM. Then Installed Ad Block Plus addon on Firefox. Added CBZ & CBR in IDM File Types Option. Now IDM catches download link without pop up.

Thanks for the help bro MiSD. You rock.

Phantom said...

That's very sad. These companies are not doing anything to promote comics and develop interest.
Instead they just want monetary benefits.

e1e2t3 said...

Many thanks! I don't understand people being proprietary about something they did not create. When I have scanned and shared things, it never occurred to me to have some kind of credit floating around with it. Every once in a while I see one of my scans appear in a new place and it is always a pleasure to me, but I can't imagine making a big deal about my having created the scan in the first place. The important work, the original work that is being scanned is what is important and the creator of that work is the only one who need be credited.
On the subject of file sharing sites, I don't understand why people would complain about something that has been served up to them for free. This is a prime example of "looking a gift horse in the mouth". This digital age is so miraculous, but already we have grown impatient with something that takes ten minutes to download instead of five. Complaining about this sort of thing is ungracious and the height of puerile self-involvement. I say, slow down, take a breath, be thankful.
And so, once again, thank you for your sharing and your work!

Venkitachalam Subramanian said...

Nobody denies the fact that King Features made these strips. That is called acting "smart". I never claimed that it is my property. As to making my own blog, I mentioned 3 blogs in which these had appeared. Links for most of these Sunday and Daily strips are alive in those blogs as I mentioned and those are MediaFire links. The pathetic thing is that in one of the Sunday strips, (originally posted by Ajay), there were pages with the yellow band across the strip, which you have on your copy here. So please don't put on a show that these were collected by you. I have the comic strips in English for those that you have in non-English. So you can just wait for me to edit them and post them in Balaji's blog, when you can "collect" them. I have made my point and it is not in my interest to continue with any discussion on this subject. Have a nice day and more "collections"!

MiSD said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Phantom said...

Dear MiSD Bro, I did not get the link between Filler pages and Sunday strips. Please explain what are the filler pages files which you have uploaded at the end.


Usercloud is not working in India. Please provide MEGA or mediafire

ComixFiend said...

This is an amazing blog. But please share them again if possible. All the links are broken. Thanks a ton for such a great effort - especially to Venkitachalam & co.